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Sara K. Lyons

Reframing Northampton: A Contemporary View of the Howes Brothers Photographs will open on Friday, August 11th with an Arts Night Out reception from 5-8 p.m. This exhibition is the happy ending to over two years of research and photography. Working in collaboration with the Contemporary Arts at Historic Northampton [CAHN] program, I have revisited and re-photographed a number of homes previously documented between 1886-1902 by the Howes Brothers of Ashfield, Massachusetts. 

My contemporary images will be on view alongside images of the Howes Brothers’ originals in order to invite photographic comparison. In addition, I am pleased to share that a number of vintage Howes Brothers photographs from the collection of David D'Apice will round out the exhibition.  

Hopefully you can attend one [or all!] of the events happening at Historic Northampton while my exhibition is on view!

Opening Reception with live music by Vibetown - August 11th, 5-8 pm

Annual Ice Cream Social - August 20th, 4:30-6 pm

Public Talk on Photographic Portraits and History w/ Sandra Matthews - September 9th, 2 pm