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Rooted in both contemporary and traditional photographic tools and techniques, I think of my creative practice as both art and investigation. Prone to hypervigilance and over-thinking from an early age, I cultivated these traits into an inclination for observation and assessment. I find that looking through an actual or metaphorical lens provides an illusion of distance, a safe vantage point from which evidence can be collected, considered, critiqued, and ultimately shared via the finished work.

Inherently suspicious of absolutes yet often seeking the relief of a rational explanation, the act of creation is an alternately uneasy and joyful dance between reason and intuition. The primary source of my inquiry stems from an overwhelming sense of disappointment in humanity coupled with an even more acute reverence for Nature with a capital "N". Whether faithful to the conventions of documentary photography or embroidering text on found images–or somewhere in between–I am interested in exploring these contradictions and opposing forces to yield a provocative story. The best of these stories are in fact only clues themselves, hinting at a more complicated narrative yet intentionally open to interpretation or, on occasion, amusement.